GRC Elevation Means Glassfibre Reinforced Concrete (GFRC) is one of the most versatile building materials available to architects and engineers. Developed in the twentieth century, GRC Elevation has been making a significant contribution to the economics, technology, and aesthetics of modern construction worldwide for over 40 years. GRC Elevation (GFRC) is a composite material made of cement, fine aggregates, water, chemical admixtures and alkali resistant (AR) glass fibres, which can be engineered to suit a wide range of applications. GRC Elevation (GFRC) is very versatile and can be suitably moulded into wide variety of complex shapes and profiles.
Key Features
GFRC products are easy to handle and fast to erect.
GFRC is easily molded to reproduce shapes, details and textures
GFRC can be cast into fine details design of thin cladding elements
GFRC can be coloured with pigments, paints and natural stone facings
GFRC offers designers unrivalled flexibility
GFRC does not suffer from corrosion Er environmentally friendly
GFRC is durable against extreme weather conditions
GFRC offers a wide variety of shapes and surface finishes.